FriendyCar grants you the convenience of renting a car whenever you need one, the affordability to rent your exact desired car without putting a toll on your pocket, and the unmatched unlimited variety of cars you won't find elsewhere.
We are committed to giving you the rich behind the wheel experience you deserve along with our 24/7 service availability, 100% online payment and a mobile application that will allow you to have more than 100 cars in your pocket.
No hidden cost/fees beside the car rental price you see on the website while we promise the latest car models in mint condition.
There are no minimal days for rental which makes it the optimum service to consider if you need a car for just a day to catch on an important meeting, or even for a getaway for a long weekend.
Owning the car is no longer a reasonable option considering the insurance, service fees and the devaluation of the car value on the long run.
Rent a new car everyday for the sake of trying something new, book a car as a replacement for your car during service times or even rent a car if you do not live in Egypt and planning a vacation here soon.
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