The Parties are independent from each other. No Party may make a commitment in the name and on behalf of the other Party. Each Party acts in its own name and on its own behalf. None of the provisions of the Terms may be construed as creating a company, mandate, or representative or employer-employee relationship between the Parties.
The Terms, including the rights and obligations stipulated therein, may in no case be transferred from the User to a third party.
If any provision of the Terms were proved to be invalid, the remaining provisions would not be affected by the invalidity of that provision.
If one of the Parties were to waive one of the other Party's commitments or obligations, this may not be interpreted in the future as a waiver of that commitment or obligation.
For the execution of the Terms, the Parties choose the following addresses for service:
- For FriendyCar, at the address of its registered office, indicated in the legal notice;
- For the User, at the address provided upon registration or requested by FriendyCar whenever required.
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